The Time of Visitation

“If you had known, even you, especially in this your day, the things that make for your peace! But now they are hidden from your eyes…They will crush you into the ground…because you did not recognize it when God visited you.” Luke 19:42,44 

I will return to this shortly.

Two significant events took place over the weekend of 14 September 2024. They were so significant that I consider them destiny defining. And it is not as though people sat down together, thought them over, planned and scheduled them together for that weekend.

In fact, one event had been scheduled from the end of 2023 while the other was scheduled just about the beginning of the month. And their relationship was not even considered.

But it turned out that one event was the foundation required to take advantage of the opportunities the other presented.

This is what I mean. On Sunday, 15 September 2024, we held a Chat with Exceptional Couples where our guests discussed strategies for Building Family Wealth together. Access the recording here. That date had been set since last year.

In that discussion, they explained the lifestyle changes families needed to make in order to create seed capital for investment. They also discussed the rule of thumb method of assessing investment risk – the ease with which you can recover your capital if things go wrong.

In summary, they taught us how to generate capital for the creation of family wealth and how to invest it.

The day before, we participated in a Wealth Building Webinar where the guest presented opportunities in the real estate industry in Nigeria. The high point was what he termed a Buy Back offer where you make a term investment that yields 45 percent annual return on capital with near zero risk. Watch the recording here.

In Europe, that rate of return on investment would easily raise a red flag and be termed insane and a scam. But it is real. Opportunities in Nigeria!

As I reflected on that weekend, I asked myself, “why were  these opportunities not presented to me 20 or 30 years ago?”

But my greatest sadness is that many of the people we invited to the two webinars did not show up. They obviously had other ‘priorities’. How we miss once-in-a-lifetime opportunity? Perhaps that is how I would have acted 20 or 30 years ago! And now, I am filled with regret.

That brings me back to that opening quote which I reproduce below.

“If you had known, even you, especially in this your day, the things that make for your peace! But now they are hidden from your eyes…They will crush you into the ground…because you did not recognize it when God visited you.” Luke 19:42,44

How do you miss your day, the things that make for your peace, when God visited you?

Here is the clue: they are hidden from your eyes!

We simply do not recognize them for what they are. And what is the consequence? They will crush you into the ground. 

That is what Titus, the Roman General did to Jerusalem in AD 70, less than 40 years after Jesus made those ominous statements.

For some of us, we run the risk of being crushed by the economic conditions in Nigeria, something that is altogether avoidable.

I  pray that not one of us will look at his life in a year, five or ten years from now and regret that he missed His Day, His Time of Visitation..

Please, go here first.

And then here.

God bless you.

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