Posts Tagged ‘Procrastination’
That Vulture’s House Project
Have you heard of the Vulture’s House Project?
Well, an African folk story says that the African vulture was once caught in a thunderstorm with nowhere to shelter. He was thoroughly drenched and helpless under the rain that did not seem about to stop.
Then the vulture vowed that he would build his house as soon as the rain subsided to prevent a repeat of that terrible experience. Finally, the rain stopped, and the sun started shining brightly. Then the vulture decided to dry up first and look for food. “I will build the house later”, he said. The next time he remembered the house project was when he was under another heavy rain.
Do not boast about tomorrow. That is the warning from the wisest man who ever lived – King Solomon of ancient Israel. Why? Because you do not know what a day may bring forth. You can find that in the Wisdom Book of Proverbs 27.1. Someone has said that sometimes perfectionism is procrastination in disguise.…
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