Posts Tagged ‘Critical success factor’


Some projects fail even before they can start because the seeds of success had not been sown right from inception. Starting today, I begin to discuss the factors that must be present for a project to succeed and achieve its objectives. These are the critical success factors. Critical success factors are elements that are necessary…

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Our world may never have seen so many conflicts – socio-economic, geo-political and sectarian –  at any one time in its history as it does today. These have led to changes in the project environment, with attendant complexity, making the definition, identification and management of project stakeholders a herculean task.For instance, the 5th Edition of…

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Project Management Cartoon

The first time I came across this cartoon, The Project Management Tree Swing Cartoon, was in mid 2000. It was quite amusing to me then. But, with increasing awareness over the years, I have come to appreciate the challenges the project management team faces in the bid to deliver to the owner or user what…

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