Environment – A Critical Factor in Personal & Professional Growth

Environment is such a critical factor in personal and professional growth that individuals need to take it into account when changing jobs or making other career moves. But many do not quite appreciate how our environments shape our lives.

Psychologists and sociologists have debated the influence of environments in shaping our lives for a very long time. It is the central issue in the nature nurture debate.

Environment here does not only mean the physical environment (neighborhood, city or country) in which one lives. It includes the culture and events that we have lived through. The dangerous part is that we adapt to our environments and they shapes our beliefs and actions.

For instance, a story is told of a farmer who found a young eagle that had fallen out of its nest. He brought it home and placed it among his chickens.  As the young eagle grew up among chickens it simply behaved like one; it scratched and pecked and flew short distances. It believed it was a chicken and acted like one. It had effectively lost its identity.

That is the power of environment. Jim Rohn lends his weighty voice to this when he said, “you are the sum of the 5 people you spend the most time with.”  Well, that may be overly simplistic, but it makes a lot of sense.

That requires us to select our environment – the people we surround ourselves with and mingle with very carefully. That is, if we want to grow! Bishop David Oyedepo of the Winners Chapel famously said, “If you want to miss your flight, then sit with people who are not going anywhere”.

So, what is a growth environment? It is a place where you have people above you, who challenge and support you to become more or better than you are today. That means, if you are the only star in your universe then you are in the wrong environment; it does not encourage growth.

Also, if you are in an environment where you are constantly put down, you need to move away fast. Otherwise, you will begin to adapt to being abused and to think that you really deserve such treatment, after all, you are no good anyway. You will begin to accept that you are a chicken and live like one!

Now, let me share my experience in a powerful growth environment – the John Maxwell Team (JMT) – an elite group of certified coaches, speakers and trainers, with you.

The JMT has had a very profound impact on my life and equipped me to impact other lives through groups referred to as Masterminds.

Although I became acquainted with John Maxwell in 2004 when I attended the Million Leaders Mandate Training, I stumbled on the JMT by chance in June 2015. One of the leaders working with me informed me of his certification as a trainer, speaker, and coach with the JMT, and requested opportunities to train our leaders.

The idea fascinated me. I immediately made contact and within a month, I had joined the JMT. Although the sheer volume of materials in the Online University was overwhelming, I was really fired up. At that time, I was leading a church of about 600 members, as a volunteer, while working as a senior engineer. The pressure was much, and I missed many live training sessions, but I kept going due to the value I was receiving, and the passion generated in me.

The climax came in March 2016 when I attended the Live Event in Orlando, Florida. It was an experience of a lifetime. It was deeply transformational and will live with me forever. I have attended many conferences, workshops and retreats before and after, but none has come anywhere near it. Cultural, social, economic, racial and religious barriers were completely broken down.

The JMT has impacted my life remarkably. I have rediscovered my purpose. It has sharpened my focus. I have grown, and I am still growing. It has increased my sphere of influence and my capacity to add value to others.

I use the free Mastermind as the main platform to impact other people. Starting the first class was a major challenge. I contacted people individually, explained to them the concept of a Mastermind, and the benefits of studying together. After that, attendance has ceased to be a problem. Now people join by referral or by formal personal request. Some are on standby awaiting when the next class will start.

I have discovered two key factors for a successful Mastermind group. The first is diversity of membership and the second is how the facilitator recognizes and utilizes that diversity. Diversity refers to the differences in the backgrounds of the members of the group. This brings different and varied perspectives to any issue being discussed, and greatly enriches the discussion.

For instance, I have had pastors, a director of schools and housewives in the same group, and it is interesting to see the unique perspective each brings to the discussion. The impact of the process is greatly enhanced if the facilitator connects with and understand everyone’s background, and then reflects this in the way he frames questions to draw out this diversity for the benefit of the group.

I have been amazed at the outcome as I observe the steps people take after completing the free Mastermind. Eight of those who have completed a Mastermind have joined the JMT. One has been certified while others are working to do so in August, despite visa denials.

I have seen lives transformed in ways that I could never have imagined. One participant has been so consumed with passion that his wife complains that John Maxwell and leadership are all he listens to and talks about. He sees leadership as the lifeline to lift his country out of poverty. As I write, he has traveled to his country with appointments to meet government leaders to discuss how to add value to their people. Another, a hairdresser, is applying what she learned from the free Mastermind to create a platform where she shares tips with her customers on how to preserve weaved hair, so it lasts longer, and how to deal with hair loss. This has increased her customer base and revenues significantly.

Joining the JMT has transformed my life and increased my capacity to influence and add value to others. I use the free Mastermind group to add value. By leveraging group diversity, I have been able to enrich group discussion for maximum impact. The result has been the remarkable transformation in the lives of the participants. The taste of the pudding, they say, is in the eating!

This article was first published in The Leading Edge.

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