Personal Growth

Lessons Learned from Personal Failure

It is popularly said that experience is the best teacher. But it has been challenged by several thinkers. For instance, John Maxwell, acclaimed to be the number one leadership expert in the world, asserts:  “experience is NOT the best teacher, but EVALUATED EXPERIENCE is” I will be sharing what I learnt from my personal failure…

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“We used standard norms to estimate productivity and activity durations, but the project is still behind schedule.” You probably have heard that before. Yes, you have used norms to develop estimates and plan the project. You have resourced the project as planned. Why is the project behind schedule?

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Will Your Business Be There Tomorrow?

In my blog post last week I challenged employees to consider the future of their jobs in the rapidly changing work place. Today, I fulfill my promise to address entrepreneurs. Studies published in the American Enterprise Institute (AEI) have shown that only 12%, just over 1 in 10, of Fortune 500 (an annual list of…

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Will Your Job Be There Tomorrow?

A major transformation, call it revolution if you will, has been taking place in the work place in the last 30 years. It has affected both the employer and the employee. Many employees have not only been rendered jobless but also unemployable due to obsolescence of skills. The prognosis for the next 15 – 25…

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Welcome to My WordPress Blog

It is with great pleasure that I welcome you to my blog. I have been involved in leadership of faith-based, not-for-profit organizations for over  35 years, including training, developing and mentoring younger leaders. I have also been involved in both premarital and post-marital counselling. We have also been facilitating discussion groups for couples for about…

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