Pastor Sam Adeyemi of Daystar Christian Centre, Lagos, Nigeria, made a presentation titled “Whatever It Takes, Take Action”. That was many years ago. I heard the expression “Analysis Paralysis” for the very first time then. I may not remember all that he said during that presentation but the title and the expression have stuck with…
Read MoreGoal Setting Lessons from the Project Management Profession Part 5 – Celebrating Small Wins
The first four parts of this series addressed the need for Detailed Execution Plan, Goals Visibility, Accountability Partnership and Risk Management as key success factors in achieving our goals. I strongly suggest that you read those posts, if you have not done so already, to gain deeper insight into the subject. In this concluding essay,…
Read MoreGoal Setting Lessons from Project Management Part 4 – Risk Management
In the first three parts of this series I discussed the need for Detailed Execution Plan, Goal Visibility and Accountability Partnership, to increase the odds in favor of our goals, to ensure accomplishment. I would advise very strongly that you read those posts to gain a broad view of the subject. Today I discuss another…
Read MoreGoal Setting Lessons from the Project Management Profession Part 3 – Accountability Partnership
I do not know about you, but I have been part of some successful project teams. There is that special feeling of accomplishment and fulfilment, when the final project document is signed off, or when the facilities you have helped to build is finally started up and they run successful. It is a moment of…
Read MoreGoal Setting Lessons from The Project Management Profession – Part 2 – Visibility
In the first part of this series I discussed the need to breakdown goals to daily tasks or mini milestones to ensure that we chip away at our big goals every day. That improves our chances of achieving our goals at the end of the year. Today I intend to examine another practice from the…
Dr. John Maxwell, while discussing the Law of Addition, in ‘The 21 Irrefutable Laws of Leadership’, states that leaders add value by serving others. We add value to others by truly valuing them, making ourselves more valuable to them, knowing and relating to what they value, and doing the things that God values. But I…
Read MoreThe Leading Edge: 24 Months With the John Maxwell Team
Originally published in the Leading Edge By Emmanuel Udo, certified John Maxwell Team coach, speaker & trainer The John Maxwell Team (JMT) has had a very profound impact on my life and equipped me to impact other lives through groups referred to as Masterminds. Although I became acquainted with John Maxwell in 2004 when I…
Read MoreWelcome to My WordPress Blog
It is with great pleasure that I welcome you to my blog. I have been involved in leadership of faith-based, not-for-profit organizations for over 35 years, including training, developing and mentoring younger leaders. I have also been involved in both premarital and post-marital counselling. We have also been facilitating discussion groups for couples for about…
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