Many complain of boredom and frustration with the lockdown due to COVID-19. The inability to move around and meet with friends and loved ones is almost unbearable for many. Others have lost their means of livelihood. Consequently, many have developed coping mechanisms to enable them deal with the situation. I also want to share how I cope with COVID-19 lockdown.
Before I do that let me admit that the lockdown and the restriction of movement constitute a very novel experience for most of us. To most people, it has been a prison experience except that the prison, in this case, is their own home. It is difficult not to yield to boredom in such a situation.
Also, they have been reports of increase in domestic violence worldwide since the outbreak of the coronavirus pandemic.
You see, some do not have good relationships with their spouses or children. But now, they are trapped at home with their ‘intimate strangers’. If you are in that category, the only panacea is to build relationships with your family. I will show how in a future post.
Now let me turn to the rest of us.
So, what is the key to keeping our live going in a time like this? Here are some of the things that I am doing to keep myself busy, my daily routine
The very first thing I do once I wake up is my devotion with my wife. It includes a time of prayer, bible study and meditation. That takes quite a good chunk of the morning hours.
Update of Journal
Once I am done with my devotion, I update my journal. This usually takes less than one hour.
I review my accomplishment for the previous day and schedule the tasks for the day. Sometimes I do this the previous night. Some days I do not do a detailed plan if I already have a big challenge to deal with for the day.
Online Review
After planning for the day, I carry out a brief review of my online forums and mail just in case there is something urgent. I respond as necessary. I also look at the news highlights.
Sometimes I do this with a cup of tea to quiet the protest in my tummy.
Next, I change into my trainers and run for 30 minutes or so, as the time allows me. I am not always very consistent, but I am making effort to improve. I hope my coach understands!
Clean up and breakfast follow.
By this time, it is almost well past breakfast time by strict dictionary definition. But in my part of the world it still is since it is your first meal of the day.
“Whenever you wake up is your morning’ ~ African proverb
I am now ready for business. Thankfully, I learnt to take advantage of digital technology to work from home long before COVID-19. My daily ‘business or office activities include:
Writing and posting, like this one. And responding to comments from previous posts or engaging my online audience.
Attending relevant online trainings both to maintain my professional certifications and to improve myself.
I also read, think and take notes.
“The reason I keep improving is because I need to keep improving” ~ Emmanuel Udo
Training/ Consulting
I do online personal development and leadership training, coaching, training and mentoring as well as project management consulting.
Other Businesses
As time allows.
I do not know about others, but productivity is a major challenge for me, as you can see from when I start work. The key, as my mentor Michael Hyatt advises, is to go to bed early, have 7-8 hours of sleep and wake up early, in order to improve your productivity. I must confess that I am still struggling in this area as I go to bed quite late. Consequently, I wake up late.
This is usually late lunch because breakfast was late.
Nap and Tea breaks
Michael Hyatt strongly recommends a shot nap during the day to allow the brain to unclutter and refresh. A walk within the constraints of the lockdown is also recommended.
Family Devotion
We have evening devotion with the whole family. The main reason it is held in the evening is so that it would not be hurried because of people hurrying out. This can initiate deep family relationships. Many do this in the morning. Whatever works for you is okay.
End of Day
I struggle to shut down because I still have a lot of work to do, and my productivity tends to improve as the night wears on. Even after shutting down the system, my mind is firing from all cylinders – remains quite alert and active for the next hour or so.
I end up sleeping late contrary to the counsel of my mentors.
There you have my typical day and the reason I am not bored.
And because we work from home my wife and I can interact, and bond more than we used to do when I worked outside the home.
You may copy my routine if you do not already have one. Try it for two days and let us see if you are still bored.
Share yours with us if yours is different
Depending on where you are your internet costs my go up significantly!