Coined by the Institute for Integrative Nutrition®, bio-individuality™ is the idea that each of us has unique food and lifestyle needs. What this really boils down to is that each person is unique, and there is no ‘one size fits all’ diet. Personal differences such as anatomy, metabolism, genetics, microbiome (the microorganisms that live in the gut), and cell structure all influence overall health and nutrition requirements. That’s why a vegan diet could be very healing for one individual but be catastrophic for another. It is the understanding that no food philosophy or diet can yield the same results for everyone.

There are many factors that contribute to your well-being, including age, gender, ancestral background, lifestyle, and your unique needs and personal preferences. This explains why diets that focus on a current “trend” are difficult to sustain and don’t work for everyone. Identifying your specific nutritional requirements is part of the learning process on your wellness journey.

Historically, early humans had strong instincts guiding them in their pursuit of food. Surviving was the main driving force and their environment determined most of what was available and beneficial to them. Today, in the wake of mass production, transportation, and industry, we have lost touch with our instincts and don’t pay attention to cues from our body or our environment. It could be said, that in our hyper-connected world, we have become disconnected from our bodies.

With increased choices pertaining to what food to eat, our innate understanding of what is good for us has been seriously diluted. Our taste buds have grown accustomed to addictive, artificial ingredients that include processed sugar, flavorings, and other chemical additives which negatively contribute to our health.

The good news is you are your own best expert in determining the right choices along your wellness journey. Bio-individuality™ serves as a guide to help you uncover the best practices when approaching nutrition. It does require patience; slowing down your daily rhythms enough to listen and reconnect to the individual needs of your body.

Cultivating your intuition and learning how to trust your body will guide your food and lifestyle choices, making it possible for your body and mind to perform at their fullest potential while transforming into your healthiest self.

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Written by our guest author

Adaku Udo

Chartered Accountant (ACA) and a Certified Nutrition and Wellness Consultant by American Fitness Professionals Associates (AFPA)

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